A lot of humans become dependent (addicted) to substances with no previous intention; i.e. the person who says that they cannot function in the morning before their first cup of tea/coffee/first cigarette/or spliff. The person who takes a regular fix of sugar on and off through the day. The person who feels they can only relax at the end of a day, or get to sleep if they use something. It is this life that you want? Or would you like freedom? The freedom not to ' need' substances. The freedom not to feel deprived if without them. The freedom not to feel 'left out', 'missing out', not part of the gang' if others are using in front of you. I believe that every time we turn to a substance (being prescribed drugs, cannabis, tobacco, alcohol, tea, chocolate, coffee, sugar, overeating etc) for support/help to relax to perk as up, to calm down, to cheer us up, as a reward etc we are choosing to turn away from, damage and deny our spirituality. I have been pondering for years whether it is the substances themselves that distance people from their higher selves or if it is in the willfulness to take a 'short cut' , ' the easy way out ' ,' time out from reality' , for now I had decided it is irrelevant to the lessons available. The bottom line seems to me, to be, whether one believes that the universe intends humans to be dependent for their well-being and successful coexistence on this planet on consuming/imbibing/inhaling substances that are toxic. Each time we consume any of them the body has to work hard to stop them harming itself. We were not designed for them and certainly not taken as regularly and in the amounts a lot of us do. This behaviour puts a terrible strain on our physical system. I know some people think I am a ' goody two shoes' she doesn't smoke tobacco', 'she doesn't drink alcohol, tea or coffee', 'she doesn't take drugs' but it's not as if I never have. The reality is that I have chosen to stop because I have tuned into my body and I have started to heal from my past hurts and started to love myself. In my experience most people have a sad story to tell, very often about their young childhood, which has left them with' staff' to deal with. I am no exception. Twenty-three years ago I stop drinking alcohol because' my life had become unmanageable. I started to look at myself and recover and heal. It has been along old road and I'm not at the end of it yet but I do feel looking back I have come a long way, and have a lot of strength, hope and experience to share. Twenty years ago I gave up smoking tobacco a habit I had started at the age of seven (a twenty-three year addiction) far from easy in fact more troublesome to stop than the alcohol. Eight years ago my body rebelled against my Indian tea consumption and said 'no more tea!!' by making my favourite drink taste disgusting! I believe comfort eating was my first prop in a difficult childhood and being the first to arrive has seemed to wish to be the last to go. I am still known to occasionally eat more than my body needs or to indulge in chocolate cake just for the hell of it' and some of you may well say 'and why not?' Well I know why not for me. It's because the comfort or joy I received is dull in comparison to what is available spiritually. So why am I short changing myself? Why not go for the best! The real thing! The ultimate experience! The oneness with the universe! For me I ask myself don't I deserve the best? Was I created to suffer with no comfort except that which harms me? Many religious relief systems believe that the body is a tabernacle, a temple and that to pollute the body is to show disrespect to the creator of all things. I myself do not embrace or follow any particular religion or set of beliefs that is not to say that I do not have beliefs, I do and they are very dear to me and important to me. I believe that I and everyone else is a child of the universe; born perfect, made up of intrinsic goodness, vital to the well-being of our world, unique and important. We can reclaim our birthright. We can become our full potential. We can put to one side our learned inappropriate coping strategies and learn new healthy ways of enjoying this beautiful planet. And it will not be boring! Some people say how boring to be good and not do anything naughty'. But ask yourself why should good be boring and naughty = fun? Enjoying nature. Why is that boring? Helping other people? Extending the hand of friendship? Acting in a loving manner? Playing with and enjoying children? Being kind? Cooking food and sharing it with friends? Listening to or making music? Hugging? Singing? Dancing? Laughing? Have you noticed none of these cost money! Are they boring? Eating chocolate. Smoking tobacco. Going to the pub. Taking illegal drugs. Drinking alcohol. Smoking dope. Have you noticed these do cost money (for most people)? Therefore making yourself a slave to the money system. We are complex creatures we are physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual--- we cannot function well in one area if we are ignoring even one of these other departments. I believe that the vast majority if not every single person who comes to rainbow circle is choosing to be conscious if not prioritising their spiritual life.
Come to the detox, renewal and healing camp and give yourself a present of eight days to focus on your path, journey, needs rejoice in how far you have come, celebrate what you have achieved, consider your next moves, make some changes, put down some habits, acknowledge your weaknesses and say hello to them and own them (always a good way to disempower them) reflect on your strengths and honour and praise them. I am looking forward to renewing old friendships and meeting and making new friends.
Take care of your precious selves till then.
Lots of Love SarahXXX
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