
Rainbow Circle AGM 21+22 october 2006 at Kingsley Hall LONDON

see: Rainbow Circle constitution

Kingsley Hall 21/22 October 2006 AGM 2006
Powis Rd
Bromley by Bow Tube

Number 8 Bus from Victoria, get off at the very last stop: Bow Church.
(£1.50 - exact change for machine)


11am PROMPT: Attunement and chants.


1: Welcome!

A name round and‘Talking circle.’ An opportunity to share our positive experiences and ideas. Approximately two minutes each.

Just before breaking for lunch,there will be a reminder of the need to be a member to take part in the first vote after the break.

1pm: Lunch break: an opportunity to become a Member and read the minutes of

last years AGM>

2:15pm: Re Attunement.


2:Voting proceedure.

Proposal That only paid up members of Rainbow Circle should be able to vote at this AGM

(At the last AGM, this proposal was agreed but traditionally we ask this question at the start of every AGM. )


3:Agree Agenda.


5:Agree last year’s minutes.


i) Beltane (Sue and Lyn)

ii) Kids Craft and Majik (Max, Lisa, M’shel)

iii) Celebration of the Rainbow . (Thorn, Star, Alex, M’shel, Jon.)

v) Secretary’s report (M’shel)

vii) Treasurer’s report (Franqui)

viii) WWG report.

7:Elections of:



Council. Introduced with an explanation of the proceedure.

8:Self Selection of the WINTER WORKING GROUP.

(Members of the working group have been entitled to claim travel expenses to attend the meetings. A shortage of funds will make it impractical to pay everyone’s travel expenses for the following year!)


a]We amend the constitution concerning the winter working group to read as follows:

The number of people on the camps working group shall not be less than 9 and not more than 15. proposed by Jon seconded by Mshel

(At the winter working group meeting of September 2, the closest we got to concensus was number 23. Currently the number is 29) A selection process should be adopted and included in the constitution, in the event that more than 15 members apply. A suggestion for that process is a Council style election.

(A ‘standby list’ would be formed from those unselected. Candidates from the list may replace any Winter Working Group member who cannot attend.)

b] Anyone proved to be enabling the supply of alcohol or drugs to anyone under the age of 18 attending the camps will be immediately removed from the site. Proposed by Toni seconded by ?

c] We create an open winter Heartshare group to which all members are invited. Meetings could be held two/ three times a winter to celebrate, share and focus our philosophical, spiritual and ethical intentions. it shall have two co ordinators, and take place at a different venue and date to that of the wwg meeting. whenever the heartshare reaches consencus on any matter it would be communicated to the wwg and the next AGM. Anyone willing to hold the energy for the heartshare, will be asked to arrange a date and place of the inaugeral heartshare before the end of this AGM. Proposed by Jon seconded by M’shel.

d] The winter working group meetings need only be attended By those who are willing to focus specific areas of Rainbow Circle camps and events. Those areas being:

Camp coordination, Welcome & security, Kitchen & Catering, Maintenance of properties, Sitecrew, Finance, Ritual and celebration, Website, Newsletter? And publicity, networking: and Scouting.

Proposed by M’shel seconded by Jon.

6:30pm, attunements, chants.


11am: Attunement and chants.


Rainbow Circle. Who are we?

A heart share, talking-stick discussion about the impact that this year’s European Gathering in Yorkshire has had on us and our own vision. What is our relationship with the wider Rainbow Family.

Magic Hat or not?

The Newsletter is expensive and time consuming to produce and post. Do we still have the energy/ money to do it?

1pm: Lunchbreak.

2pm Re-attunement

Date and venue of next WWG meeting.


Sunday 3pm. Closing circle.



Home Touch the Tipi to go home

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rainbow-circle Home www.rainbowcircle.co.uk