
Rainbow Circle Constitution


The Whirling Rainbow is the promise of peace among all Nations and people. The Rainbow Race stresses equality and opposes the idea of a superior race that would control or conquer other races. The Rainbow Race brings peace through the understanding that all races are one. The Unity of all colours, all creeds working together for the good of the whole, is the idea that is embodied in the Whirling Rainbow. When all pathways to wholeness are respected by all cultures, the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be completed.
( Sacred Path Cards by Jamie Sams )

Rainbow Circle II arose out of the original organisation which came into being on 21 November 1987 at 1pm GMT, nr. Castle Cary in Somerset, 51.06N. 2.31W. Rainbow Circle II was born on 22 October 1994 at 4.52pm BST in Leominster, 52.14N, 2.45W.


1. The name of the association is Rainbow Circle II, commonly known as and hereinafter called Rainbow Circle.

2a) Philosophy:
Rainbow Circle arose out of a vision, shared by many across the world, to help create an inclusive society in which love matters more than money, forgiveness matters more than judgement, compassion matters more than segregation and fun matters more than fear.

Rainbow Circle seeks;
To encourage mutual respect between all the people of this earth.
To assist the emergence of a more enlightened way of living; through consciousness, awareness and sensitivity.
To promote a lifestyle that acknowledges the needs of our beautiful planet, the Earth, and honours our oneness with nature.
To experiment with different forms and structures of community decision making.
To ensure that duties, powers and responsibilities which might normally fall to a few 'elite' members of any group or society can be shared by all.
To respect the arts, wisdom and skills of different individuals - and to honour the lessons of experience.
To encourage love, freedom, spiritual, political & ecological awareness and a sustainable way of life.
To hold educational camps attended by as great a cross section of the wider community as possible.
To make those camps structured yet spontaneous - and to allow all who attend to feel as involved as possible with every aspect of the camp's organisation.
To promote a sense of family and community at every camp by meeting together and eating together; fostering an easy, friendly atmosphere that encourages everyone to feel included and 'at home' in the company of kindred spirits.
To share knowledge and skills with and, where appropriate, incorporate the traditions of groups and organisations with similar aims and ideals.
To listen to and learn from each other.
To explore, pioneer and rediscover alternative approaches to social issues
To respect the environment, to celebrate nature and to make all camps and events as eco-friendly as possible.
To promote fun and festivity, co-operation and mediation with love, laughter, compassion and respect.
To share these values and aspirations with our children.

Rainbow Circle's 'Structure'
Rainbow Circle is an open circle! It has no leaders, no permanent 'officials' and no 'owners'.
Rainbow Circle holds meetings and reaches decisions in circles ensuring that all are able to have an equal say and all can be heard with equal respect.
Rainbow Circle is constantly moving and evolving.

2b) Aims:
To co-operate and foster links with Rainbow movements everywhere.
To experiment with different forms and structures of community decision making, searching for those that empower people in their personal, social and political growth, whilst respecting the arts, wisdom and skills of all and honouring the lessons of experience.

2c) Objectives:
To run holistic educational and recreational camps.
To take part in festivals, gatherings and similar events.
To act in appropriate ways in pursuit of these aims.

2d) The Rainbow Circle Camps Working Group may pursue any activity, enterprise, project or trade which, in their opinion, fulfills the aims and objectives of Rainbow Circle.

2e) Interest in land may be acquired by purchase, lease or licence for the purpose of holding rallies or meetings as permitted by legislation or by local planning authorities or for any other club activities

3. Rainbow Circle’s Assets and Finances

The income, property and assets of Rainbow Circle, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Rainbow Circle. No portion shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly to Rainbow Circle’s members or the public except by way of payment of fees, wages or expenses in return for goods, services or work; interest on money borrowed or reasonable rent for land or premises let to the association, or donations to non-profit making groups with similar aims.

4. Wind-up or dissolution of Rainbow Circle

In the event of wind up or dissolution the assets of the association will be offset against debts and liabilities. Any balance of assets remaining must not be distributed amongst the members of Rainbow Circle but shall be transferred to the Rainbow Circle Land Fund or, if this is not possible, shall be held in trust for five years. If by then they have not been allocated by the trustees to a new ‘Rainbow Circle’, they shall be transferred to one or several of the following as long they are non-profit making and as long as their aims and objectives are in sympathy with those of Rainbow Circle: a registered co-operative, a company limited by guarantee, an unincorporated association, a registered charity or a charitable trust. Rainbow Circle must call two EGMs held six months apart to approve wind up and dissolution.

5. Membership

5a) Rainbow Circle welcomes members from all sections of the community regardless of age, disability *, state of health * , ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation as long as they are willing to abide by the constitution and are in agreement and sympathy with the aims and objectives of the association. Rainbow Circle is opposed to any discrimination on these grounds and expects its members to abide by this Equal Opportunities’ statement.

* Rainbow Circle may not be in a position to provide services to suit some people with disabilities or to cope with serious illness.

5b) Anyone who has attended Rainbow Circle camps since 1.11.1994, who is 18 or over, is eligible to become a member of Rainbow Circle.

5c) On request for membership, the person will be given a copy of Rainbow Circle’s constitution.

5d) On admission to membership, a person shall be entered on the Register of Members.

5e) The Annual General Meeting shall set the membership fee for the following year and the Camps Working Group shall collect it.

5f) The Council has the right to refuse membership. Reasons for refusal shall be given in writing. Unsuccessful applicants shall have the right to appeal to the Council.

6. Conduct and Termination of Membership

6a) Any member may terminate their membership by notice served to the Secretary of Rainbow Circle when they shall be deemed to have resigned. Their name shall be moved from the Register of Members. Membership automatically ceases if membership fees due are unpaid and no alternative has been arranged.

6b) The Council is responsible for conduct within Rainbow Circle, for investigating complaints, and for taking action against anyone who has contravened or insufficiently observed the standards and regulations set by Rainbow Circle. The Council has the power to make decisions and take action as set out below:

6bi) Complaints received by Rainbow Circle concerning any of its members or participants shall be acted upon without delay. The person(s) concerned shall be notified of the fact that a complaint has been made unless the Council decides that this would be prejudicial to the welfare of any participant or to the verification of an unsubstantiated complaint.

6bii) Enquiries into complaints shall be made impartially. Conciliation, frank discussion and exchange will be encouraged. The Council will try to resolve complaints in consultation with those involved and, where necessary, in consultation with other members. The Council may consult anyone whom they feel may help them redress or resolve the complaint.

6biii) The member or participant shall have the right to know the details of the complaint made against them and the opportunity to be heard in person by members of the Council before any resolution or action on the complaint is made. The member or participant concerned shall have the right to representation. If the complaint is upheld, the Council shall choose one or more of the following actions: request an undertaking not to re-offend; suspend or cease membership; ask perpetrator to leave site or premises used by Rainbow Circle; or exclude him/her from all Rainbow Circle activities; or take any other action appropriate to the situation.

6biv) In cases of serious misconduct, the Council or Camps Working Group, or all of a camp's coordinators (for just their one camp), have the right to tell a person to leave the site or premises used by Rainbow Circle immediately. Serious misconduct can include violence, sexual abuse, harassment or drug dealing. This list is not exhaustive. The Council shall review action it has taken retrospectively and, if appropriate, amend their decision if further information comes to light.

6bv) In case of expulsion from membership or Rainbow Circle activities, the decision will be reviewed by the Council 2 years later if requested by the expelled person.

7. Rainbow Circle Meetings

In order to encourage open communication, the breaking down of barriers and non-hierarchical interaction, all meetings shall be held in circles (circular format) and all meetings shall open and close with an attunement.

8. General Meetings

8 a) Annual General Meeting (AGM): Rainbow Circle shall in each year hold an AGM in addition to any other meeting and shall specify the AGM as such in the notices calling it as in clause 8c. The AGM will be held at such a time and place as the Camps Working Group or AGM shall decide. The Secretary of Rainbow Circle shall ensure that notices are made calling it.

8 b) Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM): All General Meetings, other than the AGM, shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings. An EGM can be called by:

8b i) the Camps Working Group and/or the Council, when they think fit;

8b ii) at the request of one third of the total number of full members , or 50, whichever is the least.

8b iii) the AGM.

8b The Secretary of Rainbow Circle shall ensure that notices are made calling EGMs.

8c) Notice of General Meetings: AGMs shall be advertised either in the annual Newsletter, sent to all members, or by written notice to all members giving at least 21 days notice. The notice shall specify the time, date and place of the AGM and include an agenda of essential items to be discussed, as in Clause 8f below.

8d) EGMs shall be advertised either in the annual Newsletter, sent to all members, or by written notice to all members giving at least 21 days notice. In other cases, if urgent, an EGM can be called giving a minimum of 7 days’ written notice to all members. The notice shall specify the time, date and place of the EGM. All EGM notices shall include an agenda of items to be discussed.

8e) The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting, or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by any member, shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting.

8f) The business of the AGM shall be to: Receive and consider the report of the Camps Working Group, receive and consider the accounts, appoint a member to examine the accounts as in clause 13d); set the membership fee for the following year, select the Camps Working Group, elect the Council, elect Treasurer and Secretary, invite commitment for the following year, recommend an outline of activities for the following year, discuss items raised under Any Other Business on agenda.

8g) No business will be transacted at any General Meeting, except its adjournment, unless a quorum of members is present at the time when the meeting actually starts. Such a quorum shall consist of one third of the total number of members, or 20, whichever is the least.

8h) If a quorum is not present, an EGM, if convened upon the request of members, shall be dissolved. In any other case, the Camps Working Group or Council can call another General Meeting. If at this second meeting (resulting from an adjournment) a quorum is not present within 2 hours from its announced start time, the members present shall then constitute a quorum and the meeting may do all the business which a full quorum might have done. At any adjourned meeting, only the original business of the meeting can be dealt with.

8i) At every General Meeting the members present shall appoint a Chair and a Minutes Secretary. Every member is entitled to one vote on each proposal made. The Chair shall try to obtain a consensus of agreement on any matter under discussion. A proposal shall be passed when two thirds or more of the members are in favour of it. If the proposal is not passed, further proceedings on it can take place at that or the next appropriate meeting. Any proposal which calls for a change in the constitution shall require a majority of three quarters of members present voting in favour of it.

8j) The constitution may only be amended by EGM with all members notified of the clauses to be voted on.

9. Elections

9a) Members of Rainbow Circle are eligible for election onto the Camps Working Group and onto the Council.

9b) The office of a Camps Working Group or Council member shall be held for one year, until the next AGM when they can stand again for election.

9c) The election procedures for the Camps Working Group and the Council shall be different and will be as follows:

Camps Working Group: Any member of Rainbow Circle may nominate themselves for election at the AGM, or by contacting the Secretary beforehand, if they are unable to attend the meeting. If there are more nominees than 29 places, an election will be held at the AGM by secret ballot.

The Council: Members of Rainbow Circle may elect by secret ballot any members of their choice at the AGM, including members who are not present. Members write down a list of members they want to see on the Council on a piece of paper. The first 24 members gaining the most votes will be elected onto the Council.

9d) Two members will be appointed by the AGM to count the votes of the secret ballots.

9e) The Secretary of Rainbow Circle shall confirm with members elected onto Council their willingness to be on the Council. The Secretary is to ensure there are at least 20 on the Council by referral to the election lists.

10. Camps Working Group (commonly known as the Winter Working Group)

10a) The number of people on the Camps Working Group shall not be less than 7 and not more than 29.

10b) The Camps Working Group may co-opt any member of Rainbow Circle onto the Camps Working Group, after the AGM, provided that the number of co-options does not exceed one third of the group.

10c) The activities of Rainbow Circle shall be managed by members of the Camps Working Group who may authorise payment of all expenses incurred in running Rainbow Circle and may exercise all necessary powers. The Camps Working Group shall ensure the proper running and co-ordination of all aspects of Rainbow Circle camps and other associated activities.

10d) The Camps Working Group shall ensure minutes are taken of the names of members present, and of all resolutions and proceedings at each General Meeting and meetings of the Camps Working Group, any of its sub groups and Council.
The Camps Working Group shall meet regularly, with adequate notice given, in order to manage Rainbow Circle’s activities throughout the season and up to the next AGM.

10e) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business of the Camps Working Group shall be one third of its members or 7, whichever is the least, when meeting off site, and three quarters of its members who are on site when meeting at a camp. Every member is entitled to one vote on each proposal. A proposal put to the vote shall be decided by a show of hands. The meeting shall try to obtain a consensus of agreement on any matter under discussion. Failing this, a proposal shall be passed when two thirds or more of members present are in favour. If the proposal is not passed, further proceedings on the proposal can take place at that or the next appropriate meeting. The majority needed for a WWG proposal to pass is two thirds of those at the meeting. Abstentions are included with the votes against the motion in calculating the 2/3. [See 14a and 14b]

10f) Any sub group appointed by the Camps Working Group shall follow the guidelines given by the Camps Working Group and shall follow the same guidelines for running meetings where applicable.

10g) In exceptional circumstances the WWG may make decisions without a physical meeting: by email, phone and letter. If they fail to reach consensus then a proposal shall be passed when two thirds or more of all the members are in favour

11. The Council

11a) The number of people on the Council shall not be less than 7 and not more than 24, ( unless tied votes make this impossible : in which case the number shall be the nearest to 22 and a third).

11b) The Council’s responsibilities shall be to arbitrate over the application of the Constitution; admit, refuse and terminate membership as in clauses 5f) and 6b); deal with personal complaints as in clause 6b); and provide support and advice to the Camps Working Group. The Council shall help the Camps Working Group resolve conflicts and in this context the Council’s decision is binding. The Council shall have power to remove any member of the Camps Working Group as outlined in clause 12b).

11c) The Council shall meet when called by members of the Council, the Camps Working Group or by co-ordinators of camps and other activities.
Except in real emergencies, the quorum necessary for a Council meeting shall be 8 off site and three quarters of its members present on site. Every member is entitled to one vote on each proposal. A proposal put to the vote shall be decided by a show of hands The meeting shall try to obtain a consensus of agreement on any matter under discussion. Failing this, a proposal shall be passed when two thirds or more of members present are in favour The majority needed for a Council proposal to pass is two thirds of those at the meeting. Abstentions are included with the votes against the motion in calculating the 2/3. [See 14a and 14b] If the proposal is not passed, further proceedings on the proposal can take place at that or the next appropriate meeting.

11d) The Council derives its authority from Rainbow Circle in a secret ballot at the AGM and is answerable to the members of Rainbow Circle.

11e) In exceptional circumstances the Council may make decisions without a physical meeting: by email, phone and letter. If they fail to reach consensus then a proposal shall be passed when two thirds or more of all the members are in favour

12. Termination of office on Camps Working Group and Council

12a) A member of the Camps Working Group or Council may resign at any time in writing to the Secretary of Rainbow Circle.

12b) The Camps Working Group can ask any of their members to resign if they fail to fulfil their duties and obligations as outlined in this Constitution, or in the standards and regulations set by Rainbow Circle, or it is in the best interests of Rainbow Circle that they no longer remain on the Camps Working Group. The Council may also remove a member of the Camps Working Group after an appropriate enquiry.

13. Accounts

13a) The Camps Working Group will keep proper books of accounts in relation to: all money received and spent by Rainbow Circle, all sales and purchases of goods and services by Rainbow Circle, the assets and liabilities of Rainbow Circle. The accounts shall give a true and fair view of Rainbow Circle’s activities and explain its transactions.

13b) The accounts’ books shall be kept in a place agreed by the Camps Working Group and will be open for inspection by members on request at a time and place suitable to the Camps Working Group and the members making the request within a reasonable period of not more than two months.

13c) The Camps Working Group will give a full report on the state of the accounts for the last financial year preceding the AGM, and give a report on the current state of financial affairs at the AGM.

13d) At least once a year, Rainbow Circle’s accounts will be examined by an appropriate member appointed by Rainbow Circle at the AGM, who is not the Treasurer nor part of Rainbow Circle’s financial team.

14. October 2014 amendments to abstentions and quorates

14a) Abstentions are not counted as votes in favour or against.

14b) Meetings in person must have at least 5 votes in favour; and decisions on the internet need at least 10 votes in favour to be passed. (The 2/3rds voting rules regarding quorate and also the need for other meetings to try and gain consensus still applies.) These new clauses over ride clauses in the constitution at section 10e and 11c.

Safe Space

15) Rainbow Circle shall have a
Safe Space Policy which can be amended by a 2/3 vote of AGM, EGM or Council


Updated with amendments from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 AGMs

Note: The 2015 AGM voted to accept the first 14 people elected onto the council

