
Rainbow Circle AGM 29+30 october 2005 at Glastonbury Assembly Rooms

(Near the bottom left of the High Street: by public transport there are buses every hour from Bristol)

see: Rainbow Circle constitution
see Saturday's gig
see Restorative Justice

Subject: AGM Draft agenda as set at EGM Visions Camp
Date: 05 September 2005 14:45  + 2ndOctober

all please note; M'shel says she will take additional proposals up to
ONE WEEK before the AGM which  means they must be in by  the end of Friday Oct 23
email to  rainbowcircle@gmail.com 
 or post to the PO Box (may take some time) or phone her...

(With  noncontroversial but unagreed additions by george in italics like this)

29th and 30th 2005 at GLASTONBURY ASSEMBLY ROOMS 

 [1]  SATURDAY 11am PROMPT! Attunement and chants

 [1b]   Welcome
A name round and 'listening stick circle' where we all take no more
than two minutes each to introduce ourselves, express why we have come
and what result we hope the meeting will bring.   

 [1c]  1pm Lunch break one hour

 [2a]  2pm Attunement and chants.
 [2b]   2.15:  Voting procedure
Proposal:  That only paid up members of Rainbow Circle should be able to
vote at this AGM  (but anyone here can join right now)  (This proposal
comes from the EGM where it was agreed that, as is traditional at our
AGM, this first vote must be taken by members only.)

 [2c]  Proposal;  That  membership starts from whenever it is paid and lasts
until the END of the NEXT AGM   (Proposed by EGM)
Amendment to the above proposal ...and membership will be cancelled if
no renewal is received before the last camp of the following season 
proposed David, seconded Franqui

 [2d]  fine tune and formally agree this agenda (5 mins)

 [3a]  Agree last year's minutes
 [3b]  apologies
 [3c]  Reports (five mins per item)
i) Beltane (Benson and Katie)
ii) Family Fun camp (Star, Thorn) 
iii) Astrology & Transformation camp (Alex, Toni, Annette) 
vi) Create camp (Martin, Ray, Jessica and Starcus) 
v) Musicology and Cake (George, Hazel, John, Julie) 
vi) Secretary's report (M'shel)
vii) Treasurer's report (Franqui)
viii) Vehicles and Tat report (Starcus) 
viiii) wwg
ix)  Council report?  (this is a suggested addition to agenda) 

 [4]  Elections
 [4a]  Election of Secretary
 [4b]  Election of Treasurer
 [4c]  Proposal  That in addition to (and to help with) the role of
treasurer, there should also be a small 'finance circle' 
Proposed by Lyn, Seconded by M'shel.

 [4d]  Election of the council (and explanation of the procedure) 
 (perhaps count votes on sunday lunchtime) 
 COUNCIL OF 24 (for the record, council members from 2004/5 were...)  
David Baker Starcus Lyn Brenda Jonathan M'shel George Helen Benson
Franqi Drusilla WilliamToni Alex Cath Kasia Karen Bear Karen  Julie
Bryan Paul Green Jean Annette  ????? 

 [4e]  Proposal:  That to join the winter group, a person must have attended
at least two camps over two (not necessarily consecutive) years, but
the WWG itself has the right to override this condition if it deems it appropriate.
Proposed unanimously by EGM

 [4f]  Self Selection of  the WINTER WORKING GROUP
        suggestion: this be done on sunday afternoon 
 [4g]  6pm, attunements, chants.

Saturday Night gig

[5] SUNDAY 11am [5a] Next year's camps Proposals so far; Thorn and Star would like to do the Family Fun camp again... preferably in Early August, not the usual Whitsun half term. They would be working closely with Jess... and would want their camp to be a ticket camp. Alex would like to do an astrology camp again... in the second part of August. She also wants it to be a ticket camp. Jon, M'shel, Drusilla and Helen would like to do an EGM/Visions camp again next year... on similar dates to this years. Again, a ticket camp. Nobody has yet stepped forward to co-ordinate Beltane but we all expect someone will! [5b] Suggestion; That we 'fence off' a period of time around the International Rainbow Gathering and not hold our own camps at that time? [5c] Suggestion: That Rainbow Circle sends an 'official delegation' to the International Rainbow Camp - to perhaps run a particular area of activity [5d] Sites; [5e] Break for lunch, 1pm approx...... [6] 2pm Constitution. [6a] Proposal: That we accept the following amendment to the first page of our constitution, as reworded by the EGM. Rainbow Circle arose out of a vision, shared by many across the world, to help create an inclusive society in which love matters more than money, forgiveness matters more than judgement, compassion matters more than segregation and fun matters more than fear. Rainbow Circle was first formed on 21 November, 1987, regrouped and reformed on 22 October 1994 - and regrouped and reformed once more on October 30, 2004. It currently operates under a constitution that was first passed for a trial period at the EGM of March 28, 1998. After amendments, this was accepted at a special meeting on November 21, 1999. The following, amended version of that constitution was proposed at the EGM 'Future Visions' camp of September 2005. 1) OUR VISION Rainbow Circle seeks; To encourage mutual respect between all the people of this earth. To assist the emergence of a more enlightened way of living; through consciousness, awareness and sensitivity. To promote a lifestyle that acknowledges the needs of our beautiful planet, the Earth, and honours our oneness with nature. To experiment with different forms and structures of community decision making. To ensure that duties, powers and responsibilities which might normally fall to a few 'elite' members of any group or society can be shared by all. To respect the arts, wisdom and skills of different individuals - and to honour the lessons of experience. To encourage love, freedom, spiritual, political & ecological awareness and a sustainable way of life. To hold educational camps attended by as great a cross section of the wider community as possible. To make those camps structured yet spontaneous - and to allow all who attend to feel as involved as possible with every aspect of the camp's organisation. To promote a sense of family and community at every camp by meeting together and eating together; fostering an easy, friendly atmosphere that encourages everyone to feel included and 'at home' in the company of kindred spirits. To share knowledge and skills with and, where appropriate, incorporate the traditions of groups and organisations with similar aims and ideals. To listen to and learn from each other. To explore, pioneer and rediscover alternative approaches to social issues To respect the environment, to celebrate nature and to make all camps and events as eco-friendly as possible. To promote fun and festivity, co-operation and mediation with love, laughter, compassion and respect. To share these values and aspirations with our children. 3) Rainbow Circle's 'Structure' Rainbow Circle is an open circle! It has no leaders, no permanent 'officials' and no 'owners'. Rainbow Circle holds meetings and reaches deci sions in circles ensuring that all are able to have an equal say and all can be heard with equal respect. Rainbow Circle is constantly moving and evolving. Our current constitution is as follows; then back to the original document! [7a] 3pm teabreak [7b] 3.30pm Proposal: That our "saturday market only" policy should continue as normal but those with wares for sale can place them in the camp shop, (if there is one) with 30% of the price going to Rainbow Circle funds. Proposed unanimously by the EGM [7c] Proposal: That we will allow people in purely to trade on market day as long as they give a magic hat contribution to Rainbow Circle. proposed by a majority at the EGM [7d] Proposal; That Rainbow Circle adopts the principles of Restorative Justice as part of its mediation policy ( Jedi Lisa to make a presentation) Proposed by EGM
see Restorative Justice webpage [8] 5pm Chants, attunements, closing ceremony.



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