October 2017-2018
WWG Volunteers (and others)
October 2016-2017
WWG Volunteers
WWG Volunteers
2014/15 Winter
Working Group (20April2015)
Lisa (resigned Feb 2015)
LynnS (resigned March 2015)
10. Camps Working Group (commonly known as the Winter Working Group)
10a) The number of people on the Camps Working Group shall not be
less than 7 and not more than 29.
10b) The Camps Working Group may co-opt any member of Rainbow Circle
onto the Camps Working Group, after the AGM, provided that the number of
co-options does not exceed one third of the group.
10c) The activities of Rainbow Circle shall be managed by members of
the Camps Working Group who may authorise payment of all expenses incurred
in running Rainbow Circle and may exercise all necessary powers. The
Camps Working Group shall ensure the proper running and co-ordination of
all aspects of Rainbow Circle camps and other associated activities.
10d) The Camps Working Group shall ensure minutes are taken of the
names of members present, and of all resolutions and proceedings at each
General Meeting and meetings of the Camps Working Group, any of its sub
groups and Council. The Camps Working Group shall meet regularly,
with adequate notice given, in order to manage Rainbow Circle’s activities
throughout the season and up to the next AGM.
10e) The quorum necessary for the transaction of business of the Camps
Working Group shall be one third of its members or 7, whichever is the
least, when meeting off site, and three quarters of its members who are on
site when meeting at a camp. Every member is entitled to one vote
on each proposal. A proposal put to the vote shall be decided by a
show of hands. The meeting shall try to obtain a consensus of
agreement on any matter under discussion. Failing this, a proposal
shall be passed when two thirds or more of members present are in favour.
If the proposal is not passed, further proceedings on the proposal
can take place at that or the next appropriate meeting. The majority
needed for a WWG proposal to pass is two thirds of those at the meeting.
Abstentions are included with the votes against the motion in
calculating the 2/3.
10f) Any sub group appointed by the Camps Working Group shall follow
the guidelines given by the Camps Working Group and shall follow the same
guidelines for running meetings where applicable.
10g) In exceptional circumstances the WWG may make decisions without a
physical meeting: by email, phone and letter. If they fail to
reach consensus then a proposal shall be passed when two thirds or more
of all the members are in favour
6biv) In cases of serious misconduct, the Council or Camps Working
Group, or all of a camp's coordinators (for just their one camp), have
the right to tell a person to leave the site or premises used by Rainbow
Circle immediately. Serious misconduct can include violence, sexual
abuse, harassment or drug dealing. This list is not exhaustive. The
Council shall review action it has taken retrospectively and, if
appropriate, amend their decision if further information comes to light.
14. October 2014 amendments to abstentions and quorates 14a)
Abstentions are not counted as votes in favour or against. 14b)
Meetings in person must have at least 5 votes in favour and decisions on
the internet need at least 10 votes in favour to be passed. (The 2/3rds
voting rules regarding quorate and also the need for other meetings to try
and gain consensus still applies.) These new clauses over ride clauses in
the constitution at section 10e and 11c.
2013/14 Winter Working Group (provisional)
, Alan
, Cheryl
, Dave Guitar
, Eamonn
, Emily
, Eliza
, Hollie
, George
, Gretel
, Jade
, Jay
, Karen
, Karina
, Katya
, Kestrel
, Kith
, Liam
, Lorraine B
, Lorraine C
, Lyn
, Maria
, Star
, Sue
, Tara
, Tim
,= 26 members so quorum is 7
2012/13 Winter Working Group
, Alan
, Ali
, Caz
, Danny
, Dave Guitar
, Dave Pilgrim
, Dave Pugh
, Dawn?
, Eamon
, George
, Gil
, Gretel
, Izzy
, Jay
, Jim
, Karen
, Kestrel
, Lisa
, Misster Karen
, Nick
, Phil
, Sarah
, Seamus
, Sidarma (co-opted)
, Simba
, Steve Goat
, Sue Weasel
, Tatiana
2011/12 Winter Working Group Ally
, Al (Welsh) , Annie , Caz , Dave Mad ,
Dave Pugh , Dawn , Eamon , Eliza ,
George , Gretel , Helen Wilson , Izzy ,
Jon C , Josette , Maggy , Mister Karen ,
Kestrel , Lisa , Lorraine , Nick ,
Ofra , Phil , Sara , Simon ,
Sue Weasel , Tim , Viv ,
2010/11 Winter Working Group Ali ,
Ben , Annie , Caz ,
Dave Tofu , Dawn , Gaynor ,
George , Gretel , Izzy , Jo
, John C , Kestrel , Larry ,
Lisa , Lizzy , Maggy ,
Maria , Nick , Tim , Tipi Al ,
Viv , Weasel , Welsh Alan
2009/10 Winter Working Group Jon ,
Red Sara , Gretel , Viv , Larry , Sue Weasel
, Kestrel , Lisa Butterfly , M'shell , Dawn ,
Annie , Welsh Alan , George , Nick , Izzie ,
Brenda , Ian , Caz , Jilly , Joanne , Mr Karen