Music & Heartshare - 23-31 August Atlow, Derbyshire Bring your heart, your song and all your usual and unusual musical instruments to this magik hat Rainbow Circle Camp set in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside.
Join our family friendly tribe for an eclectic camping adventure through human emotion and spirit, expressed through music and song. Expect drumming, acoustic guitars, singing, chanting, dancing at the campfire, in workshops and at our cabarets.
Also join with us in exploring personal and spiritual development, and some of our experiences and emotions through shamanic journeying, circle time, tai chi, dance of life, meditation, reiki, chi gong, and of course a good old chin wag at the camp fire.
The camp is vegetarian cuisine and there is no smoking or drinking in public spaces. All activities and meals are optional, and you may come and go at any time during camp, although we respectfully request that all people still on site leave on 31 August unless specifically invited to stay and assist with tat down by the coordinators.
All activities and meals on this camp are provided for from the magik hat, and are without further charge.
All people are invited, but dogs are only welcome by prior arrangement with the coordinators. The site is booked. Exact details of location will be issued closer to the time of the camp.
(To avoid any possible confusion please note that this camp is no amplified or electronic music at any time.)
If you have any questions please contact Kestrel
Copyright Rainbow Circle 2009