1. Sign in your dog on arrival at Welcome Dome
Dog's name / Breed - colouring, markings / Sex
Please report if your dog has any particular fears or dislikes.
Your dog must have a collar, lead and name-tag
A standard dog-deposit (!!) fee is charged at £5 per dog.
This is refundable if the animal and owner have behaved.
2. Mad Dogs and Hippies
Please be aware of your dog's behaviour and
needs at all times - as one would a child.
At no times must your dog be off the lead.
Should your dog be harassed by children please report to the welcome dome!
If in season please make sure the bitch is kept indoors / tied up
and walk the animal off site.
3 Peek-a-Poo
We do it - they do it - poo
It is vital that all dog poo-posits are cleared up.
Please bring plastic gloves or whatever but do not discard them in toilets
Bury the poo or cover with ash or dispose in rubbish
Please wash hands.
4. Dog Day Afternoons
To enable dogs and owners to get to know one another
it would be nice to organise afternoon walks, dog shows, etc.
This could be a team effort.
Share any ideas for a doggie events at a noon gathering.
Animals are part of our family too.
Woof Woof
Rainbow Circle appreciates your co-operation