Draft Minutes of Rainbow Circle AGM
Saturday 26th October 2019
Held at Newhouse Farm, Kniveton
(received 20 October 2020)
RAINBOW CIRCLE AGM Saturday 26 October 2019 @ New House Farm, Kniveton, Derbyshire
Present: Vinny James Adam Richard Luke Jules Kestrel Lady K Jay Andrea Stevenson Ashlay Stevenson Corrie Stevenson Apologies for absence: Dave Pew Annie Carrie Barbara Katarina Claire Firestar KrisMeeting commenced: 1.30pm
Kestrel appointed to Chair and to take minutes until anyone else wanted a turn on either or both these tasks. Kestrel welcomed everyone to the AGM.
Lady K resigned as Secretary and from doing administration for RC. She does not want to be on Council nor WWG for 2020. She passed on £ 20.60 of RC cash and a RC cheque book to Kestrel, and Richard was given the coordinators bag plus some 2019 camps receipts and bank statements to pass to Claire.
Secretary's Report: Lady K as RC Secretary reported as follows: Beltaine £ 20 loss Summer £ 276 profit of which £ 250 was given to Bob for Storage with storage now paid until August 2020. We were given a £ 100 discount on storage for marquee hire to Bob.
The meeting became aware of a poll on Facebook about starting the AGM at Sunday at noon. At this time the voting online was 6 in favour and 2 against. There was general dissatisfaction at the meeting that people could potentially negate previous long declared arrangements simply by holding an online vote at the eleventh hour, and negate time and money others had spent getting to venues at the allotted time. It was also pointed out that with our numbers actually present we would easily swing the online vote in our favour.
The view of those present was that we should plough on, while we for certain were quorate and actually present, rather than trusting to uncertain Sunday numbers, and that people can by all means turn up on Sunday and review our decisions and comments, overruling them if they so wish. This was felt to be generally in line with the general precedent of RC AGMs with Saturday being mostly planning and preparation.
Proposal 1: Kitchen Dome to Thornborough Henge for Beltaine 2020
Proposed Lisa (absent), seconded Richard (present)
Luke: Is this for a Rainbow camp? (no one knew)
Vinny: Need to be sure it is taken and brought back by someone responsible. Who?
Andrea: What would be the effects on RC Beltaine at NHF if some people plus kitchen dome are going elsewhere?
Jules: Who would be paying transport of the dome there and back?
It was felt more explanation needed and so all further discussion & a decision deferred until Lisa explains to AGM or WWG in more detail.
Proposal #2: Discuss the traditions of the elders
Proposed Lisa (absent).
Uncertainty over whether this is a proposal and how we vote on this but we ploughed on with discussion.
Vinny: Who is an elder? How do you become an elder?
Adam: It's about time served and experience gained, rather than chronological age.
James: Some people felt Summer Camp was organised in ways decided by a small group and not with informed consent of all or at least a majority, and not in line with what was done in past at RC.
Kestrel: Agreed with James. More midday meetings might have helped.
Vinny: Some people didn't like the meetings. Idea was that if people saw something needed doing they just did it.
Andrea: Sometimes difficult to get things organised if no meeting . . . like cooking and shopping for cooking for example. Not everyone can just organise things alone or know what to do.
Jules: Agreed with Andrea.
Motion: It is proposed that there is a midday meeting (note: midday, not any old time) every day at all RC Camps to organise camp matters.
Proposer: Kestrel Seconder: Vinny
For 8. Abstain 0. Against 0. (Consensus achieved)
Proposal #3: A dedicated children's space to be ran at 2020 Summer Camp Proposer: Lisa (absent) Seconder: James (present)
James: There is a need for a dedicated children's space. There were some problems at Summer camp over various adult behaviours in areas and no fixed space dedicated for children where those behaviours would be absent.
This is not meant to imply that children are unwelcome in other structures or stopped from playing on the field.
The AGM also felt that some parents need reminding that the responsibility for children remains at all times with those who brought them to the camp. Not with Rainbow Circle.
Motion: A dedicated children's space to be ran at 2020 Summer Camp (same wording as the original proposal, no new proposer and seconder needed) For 8 Abstain 0 Against 0 (Consensus achieved)
Proposal #4: Discussion of safe space in relation to verbal abuse at summer camp
Proposer: Holly (absent) Seconder: Kestrel (present)
There was a general discussion over aspects of safety at camps and discussion over 3 incidents that occurred at Summer 2019 camp and how they were dealt with. Some felt that RC already have policies about much of this, but they seem to be forgotten or ignored, and some relative newcomers expressed surprise that we already had such policies as when incidents occurred there seemed to be no reference to existing policies.
Motion: WWG to familiarise itself with both the existing RC safer space police and the RC child protection policy and WWG to make both of these available on RC main Facebook group
Proposer: Kestrel Seconder: Jules
For: 7 Abstain: 0 Against : 0 (Consensus achieved)
Motion: WWG to discuss safe space and discuss how to uphold it
For: 7 Abstain: 0 Against : 0 (Consensus achieved)
Motion: All camps to have a definite coordinator to whom issues concerning children can be brought. NB: This person is not necessarily responsible for organising children's activities.
For: 7 Abstain: 0 Against: 0 (Consensus achieved)
Treasurer's Report
Via R7
ichard, Clair apologised that the report was not ready.
Election of council
The meeting felt that due to small numbers the WWG can select this, unless AGM selects them tomorrow.
Proposal: Existing Council members can continue to act with authority until new ones are selected.
Proposed: Andrea Seconded: Richard
For; 7 Abstain:0 Against :7 (Consensus achieved)
Selection of WWG
WWG can select themselves. There were no volunteers for WWG present at this time.
Camp Reports
No report for Beltaine nor for Summer camp received. Let it be recorded that magik hat camps of 7 days & 6 nights days were held at Beltaine (29 Apr to 5 May) and 17 days & 16 nights at Summer (26 Jul to 11 Aug). The summer camp was themed as Reflections. Both camps were held on the big field away from the farmhouse next to Longrose Lane at New House Farm, Kniveton.
Any Other Business
Kestrel thanked everyone for attending, and there was a closing circle with an OM. Meeting finished about 3.45pm
Draft Minutes of Rainbow Circle AGM
Sunday 27th October 2019
Held at Newhouse Farm, Kniveton
(posted to facebook October 2019)
- 1.30 pm Opening
- Present: Vinny, Richard, James, Little Karen, Jim, Luke, George, Adam, Jay (and Ruby)
- Apologies: Guitar Dave, Kris, Annie, Gretel
- There had been a meeting with decisions on Saturday but the minutes were not available.
- The Council had been selected somehow on Saturday.
- Lisa's request for a dome at Beltane was referred to WWG for more information - is she proposing the RC Beltane camp be in Yorkshire? 2020
- Membership fee set at £1 (Unanimous)
- Voted Little Karen as Secretary (Unanimous)
- Sink hinges need mending
- Big wooden box - throw it away as its annoying in the store, but its useful in the field?
- Treasurer was voted as Clare on Saturday, but there was no Treasurers report this year or last year.
- Proposal: We ask the Treasurer to set up a Donate button on the website. Unanimous.
- Proposed Kestrel as Auditor . Passed
(unfortunately this is not strictly in accordance with 13d of the constitution - sorry about that) - Winter Working Group to continue the same as last year
- Farm Liason not selected, needs to be someone who will be at all the camps.
- Talking circle:
- First Aid kit -more plasters needed
- Less plastic and shopping visits please
- Thanks to Cheryl for coordinating Beltane
- Closing circle and Om.
- ================
- Climbing Frame: George has some poles to be repaired and replaced.
- George took first aid kit and decorations to store over winter as they are not mouse proof, and a wheel barrow wheel to repair.
- Spare food was distributed as much of it wont last the winter.
- Bob charged us £50 for use of barn, £5 for caravans, and £2 for campers per night.
- Jay was coorindating the money, Kestrel had a chequebook but had gone out for Sunday but was expected to return.
- ===========
- Constitution is at https://www.rainbowcircle.co.uk/rcconstitution.html
Copyright Rainbow Circle 2019